
CAD Services

Neoteric Technical Services is a competent unified engineering service and we provide the needs .

Patent Drafting

We are one of the patent drafting and drawing outsourcing companies in the Hyderabad,

Full Support

Neoteric Technical Services offers you a seamless 2D drafting services to a growing list of clients.

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    Patent Agency
    Clean and unique


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Neoteric Technical Services propound the voguish technology and is equipped to handle any hasty cad production and presentation requirements. Neoteric Technical Services facilitates their clients in foreknowing the problems in their designs before going into the prototype stages and thereby greatly help in reducing their operating costs. We can take up and deliver the projects in quick turnaround time, using high speed internet connection and dedicated FTP server. We provide excellent support round the clock, to meet our client requirements.

Our approach and contexture complimenting it are instrumental in providing worthwhile solutions and inevitably high competitive bids. A dedicated team of highly experienced specialists, undergo in each specific field by established engineers with varied and vast experience makes it possible for us to provide quality services in the most challenging of time schedules.

Neoteric Technical Services is also providing you with patent drawing, which means graphical representation of a given technology and it involves in part of applying patent protection for your own design. As said, “Picture paints a thousand words”.


• One line of access to all your project needs.


• Highly experienced mechanical engineers team.


• Flexible in operations through peaks and troughs of workload.


• Malleable in pricing options which will suit the client’s business requirement.


Neoteric Technical Services offers you a seamless 2D drafting services to a growing list of clients. We ensure an enhanced design process delivery to help you search, modify, maintain or archive all required designs with comfort.

Not only our assurance on the quality of deliverables with accuracy and time-boundaries, outsourcing to us gives you the chance for lowering the processing cost, quicker scalability of operations, lower fixed costs and access to qualified manpower whose core competency in CAD Drafting, CAD Conversion and Patent Drafting give an impetus for you to focus upon strengthening your front end business tasks.

We can also provide you with following benefits:
• One line of access to all your project needs.
• Highly experienced mechanical engineers team.
• Flexible in operations through peaks and troughs of workload.
• Malleable in pricing options which will suit the client’s business requirement.
• Easily scalable service and ramp up the service requirements as needed.
• Complete transparency in project communication, pricing and timelines.
• Hassle free experience right from contract finalization till delivery.
• Saves investment on actual project by providing virtual view.
• Communicate drawing through e-mail, WebEx etc.
• A transactional element of drawing is dealt by us, whereas you concentrate on the intellectual aspects.
• Retrieve mechanical drawings faster as well as edit/modify those with ease.
• You can increase knowledge base gained via partnering with clients across multiple geographies.


CAD Services
Patent Drafting
Customer Support
Shopify Design




Neoteric technical services private limited, we are here by providing competent services in the field of 2D CAD modeling and patent drafting for national and international clients with pay tribute to quality and speed with fierce and dime store services.

Neoteric Technical Services provide 2D cad drawing service globally and our 2D cad drawings service includes architectural cad drawing, structural 2D cad drawing, HVAC cad drawing and cad conversion. We use latest AutoCAD software for the accurate and error free 2D cad drawing in international standard or as per your standards and layer. We also provide the cad drawing in any format like pdf, dxf, dwg, jpg etc. We can also convert your scan document or blue print to 2D cad drawings.

Our team with years of experience in raster to vector conversion services, we convert your old paper drawings, plans, blue prints to a perfect cad output enabling you to store easy in storage of your documents with compatible accessibility. Our crew comprises of Engineers, Architects, Artist and Draftsman who have rich experience across various industries and are familiar with codes of practice globally. We can seamlessly put together your data and sketches to give you accurate final drawings. We not only convert, but also add value by pointing out errors and correcting them whenever needed.

Neoteric Technical Services will offer you at different level of lines, text and dimensions in same drawing as per your requirement while using slabs for easy identification of different entities in the raster to vector drawing.

Patent Drafting

We are one of the patent drafting and drawing outsourcing companies in the Hyderabad, India. Our services are more precise in quality and time, which is most wanted for leading outsourcing companies.

We had enough professional people who can give an equal productivity as 15+ years recognized company’s people can give and we are available in the week of Sundays and round the clock for international clients. Our team can deliver any project like drafting flow charts, graphs, utility design drawing, biotechnical drawings and patent design drawings in Corel draw format (crd files). We will follow the rules of USPTO standards.

Keeping our client’s data confidential is our company’s main maxim. Patent drawings- it is a graphical representation of a given technology and how it works – are an integral and essential part of the process of applying for patent protection. (other than chemical compositions).


Utility patent is a patent that covers the creation of a new or improved and useful product, process or machine. A utility patent means taking patent rights for an invention, which constrains the other companies or individuals from making a copy or using the same invention without endorsement of true owners. Whenever someone wants to apply for patent, usually they refer to utility patents.

Utility patents are treasured affirms, as commercial rights of using and producing latest technology is dedicated to those inventors as obtaining these rights are not that easy. In order to get a patent rights for one invention, there are many aspects involved like writing thesis, processing that is most time consuming and expensive too, moreover the ramification in that is most difficult to understand. Usually patent comes under Title35,part II, chapter 10, subsection 101of the U S code, which characterizes that invention is a eligible for applying patent. There are several conditions in applying for patent, whoever discovers or invents any new and useful process, machine, manufacture or any composition of matter. Utility patents are usually issued by the USPTO anyone can apply in the fields of machines like any moving parts, manufacturing pieces like matchsticks, chopsticks, crackers etc, processes like software, business processes, compositions like medicines and as per records most of the patents which are granted are of utility patents.


There are similar properties with design patents and utility patents. In simple words, usage and working modeled articles comes under utility patents whereas how the invention appearance comes under design patents. Article having a working model with fancy appearance comes under both the patent, most of manufacturing articles comes under these category.

The views

Design patent includes every view (front, left side, right side, back, top and bottom) in-order to better understanding of a diagram. If needed, perspective views are also be submitted in three dimensional views.


2D Animation

We have the perfect infrastructure for the management of 2D Animation projects. Our creative team can breathe life into any of your 2D projects. We conceptualise, script, visually present and develop the keyframe for your project.

2d/3d Logo Animation
The logo is the identification of a company or a brand. It lends your company a unique identity and makes it easily recognizable from a group of other organizations.

Visual effects

We are backed by a team of passionate and talented professionals who want to deliver nothing but outstanding visual effects utilizing high-end technology. Our services cover 2D VFX, 3D VFX, matte painting, compositing, rotoscopy, concept design and a lot more.

Rotoscoping & Chroma Keying

We have the necessary expertise in the field of Rotoscoping & Chroma Keying. We deliver unparalleled results so that your production team can focus on other vital creative aspects of your production.

3D Animation

Neoteric has the expertise in delivering the best bang-for-buck 3D animation solution for your budget. With comprehensive story-telling approach, we are capable of working on full-length feature films, documentaries and short films.

3D Modelling

We can transform any of your idea into a creative asset by using realistic 3D models which can be transitioned into the process of production fluently. We have worked on high-asset Architectural Models, Digital Characters, models for Automobiles, Electronics, Product Design, 3D Furniture and a lot more.

Character Animation

Developing superior & compelling animated content is what our artists are all about. We use modern tools such as 3DS MAX, Maya, Houdini, and others to breathe life into creatively modelled characters.

Product Simulations

We are equipped with a team that can create world-class interactive and detailed demonstrations through inventive 3D animations. Our simulation projects aid you in virtual prototyping and help you cut down manufacturing costs.


Motion Graphics

Our top-notch Motion Graphic design services promise you amazing promotional trailers and video openers that need to keep your audience engaged. We make smart use of technology to craft captivating moving imagery content for you.

3D Architecture


Definition:ArtofDesigningbuildingsand non-buildingstructures. Theartandtechniqueofdesigningandbuilding,asdistinguishedfromtheskillsassociatedwithconstruction. ArchitecturefromGreekword: - Chief+Creator. Architectural works, in the material form of buildings, are often perceived as cultural symbols and asworks of art. Historical civilizations are often identified with their surviving architecturalachievements. Thethreeimportant thingsneededforastructuretoexist, thoseare

• Durability
• Utility
• Beauty

AccordingtoRomanArchitectVirtuvius(Vitruvius),thearchitectshouldstrivetofulfillDurability,UtilityandBeauty aswell.

In the late 20th century, a new concept was added to those included in the compass of both structure andfunction,theconsiderationofsustainability,hencesustainablearchitecture.Tosatisfythecontemporaryethosa building should be constructed in a manner which is environmentally friendly in terms of the production ofits materials, its impact upon the natural and built environment of its surrounding area and the demands thatitmakesuponnon-sustainablepowersourcesforheating,cooling,water and waste management,and lighting.

Buildingfirstevolvedoutofthedynamicsbetweenneeds(shelter,security,worship,etc.)andmeans (availablebuilding materials and attendant skills). As human cultures developed and knowledge began to be formalizedthroughoraltraditionsandpractices,buildingbecameacraft,and"architecture" is then amegiventothemosthighly formalized and respected versions of that craft. It is widely assumed that architectural success was theproduct ofaprocess oftrialanderror,withprogressivelyless trialandmore. The architectureandurbanism of the Classical civilizations suchas the GreekandtheRomanevolved from civic ideal sratherthanreligiousorempiricalonesandnew building type semerged.

The Characteristics:

(1) thesuitabilityoftheworktouse byhumanbeingsingeneralandtheadaptabilityofittoparticularhumanactivities,
(2) thestabilityandpermanenceofthework’sconstruction,and
(3) thecommunicationofexperienceandideasthroughitsform.Alltheseconditionsmustbemetinarchitecture.


• Indianarchitecture:TheKandariyaMahadevTemple(Khajuraho,MadyaPradesh,India).
• Chinesearchitecture:TheHallofprayer forgoodHarvests,themainbuildingoftheTempleofheaven(Beijing, China).
• Japanesearchitecture:TheHimejicastle(Himeji, HyogoPrefecture,Japan).
• Khmerarchitecture:TheBakong(nearSiemReap,Cambodia),earliestsurvivingtempleMountainat Angkor, completed in881AD.


• TheMeadowsMuseum(Dallas,Texas USA)
• TheBeijingNationalStadium(Beijing,China)
• ThelibraryandLearningCenteroftheUniversityofVienna(Vienna,Austria)
• TheIsbjergethousingproject(Aarhus,Denmark).


Space, the immaterialessencethatthepaintersuggestsandthesculptor fills, thearchitectenvelops, creating a wholly humanandfinit eenvironment with in the infinite environment of nature.
The appreciation of mass, like that of space, depends on movement, but this movement must bephysical.Itcannotbeexperiencedinanticipation,because,nomatterwhereonestandstoobserveeventhe simplest building, part of it is out of sight. The mass of a complex building is differently composedfrom every point of view. The 20th-century art critic Siegfried Giedion, emphasizing the need formovement in experiencing modern architecture, suggested that architecture may be four-dimensional,sincetime (formovement)isasmeaningful asthespatialdimensions.


Texture plays a dual role in architecture: it expresses something of the quality of materials, and it gives aparticular quality to light. Although one absorbs both qualities simultaneously by eye, the first hastactile,thesecondvisual associations.

Specific tactile textures are peculiar to every material by virtue of its manufacture or naturalcomposition, but they may be altered to produce a variety of expressive qualities. Any stone may beusedinitsnatural,irregularstate,oritmaybechiseledinaroughorsmoothtextureorhighlypolishedtoconvey arange of meanings from vigortorefinement.

Visual textures are produced by the patterns given to the lighting of the surface both through the waythe materials are worked (e.g., vertical or horizontal chiseling of stone) and through the way they areemployedinbuilding(e.g.,verticalorhorizontalboarding,projectionandrecessionofcoursesofbrick).Like allpatterns, visualtexturescreateassociationsofmovement, giving rhythmtothe


Since colour is a characteristic of all building materials, it is a constant feature of architecture. Butbuilding materials are selected primarily for their structural value, and their colours are not alwayssuitedtoexpressiverequirements;thus,othermaterialschosenfortheircolourarefrequentlyaddedto the surface. Theseincludepigments,which usually preserve the texture of the original surface,and


Architecture, unlike most of the other arts, is not often conceived independently of particularsurroundings. The problems of design extendbeyondtheorganizingofspaceandmasscomplexestoincludetherelating ofthetotalformtoitsnaturalandarchitecturalenvironment. Insiteplanning,aprimaryfunctionofarchitecturaldesign,thearchitectaimstocreateharmonieswith preexistingelementsinthelandscapeand“townscape.” But the province of the architect is not limited to the conception of single structures in harmony with agiven setting. Throughout history, architects have been employed in giving a new form to theenvironmentitself:planningthenaturalsurroundingsbythedesignofparks,roadways,waterways,etc.;designing complexes of related buildings; and organizing the urban environment into areas of residence,recreation, assembly, commerce, etc., both to increase their utility and to give them unique expressivequalitiesthroughtheinterrelationshipofgroupsofbuildingstotheopenareasaboutthem.


The notion of functional art, is most appropriately related to architectural theory under threeheadings,namely (1) theideathatnobuildingisbeautifulunlessit properlyfulfillsitsfunction,
(2) theideathatifabuildingfulfillsitsfunction,itisipsofactobeautiful,and
(3) the idea that, since form relates to function, allartifacts, including buildings, are a speciesofindustrial,orapplied,art.

Architectural types:

Architectureiscreatedonlytofulfillthespecificationsofanindividualorgroup.Economiclawprevents architects from emulating their fellow artists in producing works for which thedemandisnonexistentor onlypotential. So,thetypesofarchitecturedependuponsocialformationsandmay beclassifiedaccordingtothe roleofthepatronin thecommunity.Thetypes thatwillbediscussedhere

• Domestic
• Religious
• Governmental
• Recreational
• ArchitectureofWelfareandEducational
• CommercialandIndustrialArchitecture

—representthesimplestclassification;ascientifictypologyofarchitecturewouldrequireamoredetailed analysis.


Domesticarchitectureisproducedforthesocialunit:theindividual,family,orclanandtheirdependents, human and animal. It provides shelter and security for the basic physicalfunctions of life and at times also for commercial, industrial, or agricultural activities thatinvolvethefamilyunitrather thanthecommunity.

Thebasicrequirementsofdomesticarchitecturearesimple:aplacetosleep,preparefood,eat,and perhaps work; a place that has some light and is protected from the weather. A singleroom with sturdy walls and roof, a door, a window, and a hearth are the necessities; all elsecanbeconsidered luxury.


The history of architecture is concerned more with religious buildings than with any othertype, because in most past cultures the universal and exalted appeal of religion made thechurchortemplethemostexpressive,themostpermanent,andthemostinfluential buildinginanycommunity.

The typology of religious architecture is complex, because no basic requirements such as thosethat characterize domestic architecture are common to all religions and because the functionsof any one religion involve many different kinds of activity, all of which change with theevolutionofculturalpatterns.


Thebasicfunctionsofgovernment,toanevengreaterextentthanthoseofreligion,aresimilarin all societies: administration, legislation, and the dispensing of justice. But the architecturalneeds differ according to the nature of the relationship between the governing and thegoverned.


Few recreations require architecture until they become institutionalized and must provide forboth active and passive participation (athletic events, dramatic, musical performances, etc.) orforcommunal participationinessentially privateluxuries(baths,museums,libraries). Throughouthistory,recreationalarchitecturehasbeenthemostconsistentinformofanytype.

Architecture of welfare and education:

The principal institutions of public welfare are those that provide facilities for education,health,publicsecurity,andutilities.Someofthesefunctionsareperformedbythechurchandthe state, but, since their character is not essentially religious or political, they may requireindependentarchitecturalsolutions,particularlyinurbanenvironments.

Commercial and industrial architecture:

Buildings for exchange, transportation, communication, manufacturing, and powerproductionmeettheprincipalneedsofcommerceandindustry.Inthepasttheseneedsweremostly unspecialized. They were met either within domestic architecture or in buildingsdistinguished from domestic types chiefly by their size. Stores, banks, hostelries, guildhalls,andfactoriesrequiredonlyspaceformorepersonsandthingsthanhouses could accommodate. Bridges, warehouses, and other structures not used for sheltering people were,of course, specialized from the beginning and survived the Industrial Revolution without basicchanges. The Industrial Revolution profoundly affected the typology as well as the techniquesof architecture. Through the introduction of the machine and mass production, economic lifemoved out of the domestic environment into an area dominated by devices and processesrather than by individuals, creating the need for buildings more specialized and morenumerous than the total accumulation of types throughout history. All the types cannot bediscussed here, but a categorical listing into which they can be fitted will illustrate theirimportancefor architecture:

• Exchange(officebuildings,stores,markets,banks,exchanges,warehouses,exhibitionhalls);
• Transportation (roads, bridges, tunnels; stations for rail, sea, and air transport andthe dispensingoffuel; garages,hangars, andotherstoragefacilities;hotels);
• Communication (structures for the transmission and reception of telephone,telegraph, radio, television, and radar communication; for the printing anddistribution of newspapers, magazines, books, and other reading matter; for motion-pictureproduction;andforadvertising functions);
• Production(mines,factories,laboratories,food-processingplants);
• Power(dams,generatingplants;fuelstorage,processing,anddistributioninstallations).

Architectural planning:

The architect usually begins to work when the site and the type and cost of a building havebeendetermined.

The site involves the varying behaviour of the natural environment that must be adjusted totheunvaryingphysicalneedsofhumanbeings;thetypeisthegeneralizedformestablishedbysociety that must be adjusted to the special use for which the building is required; the costimplies the economics of land, labour, and materials that must be adjusted to suit a particularsum.

Thus,planningistheprocessofparticularizingand,ultimately,ofharmonizingthedemandsof environment, use, and economy. This process has a cultural as well as a utilitarian value,for in creating a plan for any social activity the architect inevitably influences the way inwhichthat activityisperformed.

Planning the environment:

The natural environment is at once a hindrance and a help, and the architect seeks both to invite its aidand to repel its attacks. To make buildings habitable and comfortable, the architect must control theeffects of heat, cold, light, air, moisture, and dryness and foresee destructive potentialities such as fire,earthquake,flood,anddisease.

Themethodsofcontrollingtheenvironmentconsideredhereareonlythepracticalaspectsofplanning.They are treated by the architect within the context of the expressive aspects. The placement and formof buildings in relation to their sites, the distribution of spaces within buildings, and other planningdevicesdiscussedbelowarefundamentalelementsintheaestheticsofarchitecture.


The types of architecture are established not by architects but by society, according to the needs of itsdifferentinstitutions.Societysetsthegoalsandassignstothearchitectthejoboffindingthemeansofachieving them. This section of the article is concerned with architectural typology, with the role ofsociety in determining the kinds of architecture, and with planning—the role of the architect inadapting designstoparticularusesandtothegeneralphysicalneedsofhumanbeings.


3D Architecture plays the important role in the construction. You need to considerbetter Architecture, so that you can save your Space, Economy and Time. A good-looking building hasthepositive looks.

 Wehave experiencedArchitectswhoworkforbetterinnovativestructures.
 OurteamhasfreshmindedArchitects,bczafreshmindwillalwaysgivefreshideas.
 Wearegivingfrontelevationforbuildings,likeVillas,Apartments,Formhouses,Restaurant sand Commercial complexes.
 WearedealingNationalclientsaswellasInternational.
 Communicatedesignsthroughe-mails,WebExetc.
 Weareworkingonclientrequirements.
 Providingdesignoptions.
 Clientsatisfactionisourfirstpriority.
 Visualizationisourkeytoinnovativedesigns.


The arrangement of the axes of buildings and their parts is a device for controlling the effects of sun,wind, and rainfall. The sun is regular in its course; it favours the southern and neglects the northernexposures of buildings in the Northern Hemisphere, so that it may be captured for heat or evaded forcoolness by turning the axis of a plan toward or away from it. Within buildings, the axis and placementof each space determines the amount of sun it receives. Orientation may control air for circulation andreducethedisadvantagesofwind,rain,andsnow, since inmostclimatestheprevailingcurrentscanbe for eseen. The characteristics of the immediate environment also influence orientation: trees, landformations, and other buildings create shade and reduce or intensify wind, while bodies of waterproducemoisture andreflectthesun.


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Contact Us

“we’ll draw sample diagrams at free of cost on each project registration.”

Neoteric Technical Services offers you a seamless 2D drafting services to a growing list of clients. We ensure an enhanced design process delivery to help you search, modify, maintain or archive all required designs with comfort.


Dwarakapuri colony, Panjagutta, Hyderabad.

+91 7993023134